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Hidden Creek Ranch is a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to providing you and your equine partner with the best care available. We have the very…
We enjoy going on long trail rides and doing fairs!
Carons Crazy Corral and Rescue Owned and operated by Kaliah wolf. We train and give lessons in Saddle Seat Hunt Seat, Western, Barrels, Driving…
Located about 20mins. south east of Cassopolis, MI. Showing, Show Grooming, and breeding of Miniature Horses.
RIDE YOUR OWN HORSE! We are a self-serve public horse arena. (Not a riding stable.) Bring your own horse and ride for $10/day. Started in 2003 by…
We are a family run farm where you will find eighty acres of trails ten acres of pasture, and board starting at 185.00 for pasture board with walk…
Have a passion for horses? Wish to learn to ride or to improve your skills or presentation in the show ring? Who better to learn from than a multi…